
Saturday 28 January 2012

Disciplined innovators: Will make JF-17s and sell Tablets too!

First off, thanks to @AliZeeshanIjaz for sharing the following picture with me.

Now I am not sure what to make of this. We are all well aware of the Pakistan Armed Forces and its commercial interests. I guess, getting into the business of knock off tablets, netbooks and ebook readers is just part of the evolutionary process.

However, there seems something very wrong with how a prominent state organization, in a period of resource paucity, has decided on its own to run a parallel commercial arm.

For one, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra, is a state funded organization which on its own accord has now decided to use its resources, in its own words, to “StrengthenNational Economy Through Commercialization”. Really? Since when is a nations economy strengthened through commercialization? Whose coffers will be "strengthened" from this venture? 

There also seems to be something very wrong, on how on the one hand our security analysts, op-ed writers and other retired officers bombard us day after day, on how our military is under resourced, and how we, as a grateful nation, should provide what ever budgetary allocations they demand. They further argue how NATO's presence in Afghanistan and India's shopping spree on military hardware is harming Pakistan's ability to keep up, technologically speaking, with other actors in the neighbourhood.

So, in short, we are low on cash, and falling behind technologically! So why exactly are state resources being utilized to develop consumer products?
A press release states:

Chairman PAC Air Marshal Farhat Hussain Khan therefore decided to optimally utilize the facilities and resources of PAC to contribute in strengthening the national economy through commercialization.

So he can decide to use state resources for commercial purposes as he sees fit? 

Do our best minds, employed at PAC Kamra have nothing else to do? Are we flush with surplus resources to dable in side projects? Apparently, the radar system along the Western border isnt working, they can start by fixing that to begin with! 

Granted, these products appear to be a result of a partnership between PAC Kamra and INNAVTEK China. Even so, why are state resources being utilised for such activities? Where will the revenue generated from the sale of these products go? Who financed the start up of this project? Are these products unique and patented, or are they cheap knockoffs of patented hardware which may potentially open up PAC Kamra to claims of copyright infringement? Are serving PAF officers involved in developing these products? 

Further, the use of PAF fighters as a marketing tool cheapens the achievements of the PAF, and personally, I find it exploitative and cynical that those entrusted to defend us, use martial imagery as a marketing tool.   

Now, there is no denying, a long history of military technology and expertise crossing over, and helping develop commercial products. However, given the state of the Pakistani economy, the current threats we face and the scarcity of resources; the fact that the PAF has decided that it has the time, resources and manpower to run a money making side project on the side as well, suggests to me, that the next time the military demands for increased budgetary allocations, we should ask them to flog more tablets and netbooks. 

Endnote: Please consider signing the following petition, against the increased hate filled rhetoric against the Ahmadiyya Community in Rawalpindi:

Sunday 22 January 2012

The absurdity of the Maya Khan Brigade

This piece is more an effort to lower my blood pressure than anything else. (Apologies for typos)

The Maya Khan brigade appears to have gone on a rampage in, wait for it....a park!

Telling your parents that you are going to the “park” is never going to be the same ever again.

If you still haven’t seen the show then a clip below kind of sums up the gutter television that SAMAA is producing.

Now the last time I checked (and I didnt realise that I needed to check this to begin with), two people, of the opposite sex, sitting in a park, in broad day light, is not illegal.

Some people who support this campaign against “date's” point out that while they“offending” couples may not be meeting illegally, the fact that they are together is definitely immoral and against Islam!

Even assuming that a man and a women sitting together is indeed “immoral”, who is SAMAA TV, Maya Khan and the chattering aunties to go and hound them in a public space?

Going through the horrid clip above, you see two dozen women running through a park, shouting “wo hijab waali”, “dekho uss nai hijab pehna huwa hai”, escorted by men with name tags and uniformed men, obviously employed by one or the other private security company. If you had this great “hoard” of judgement come charging at you, anyone would feel intimidated, harassed and threatened. The last time I checked, and I may be completely ignorant about this, when I go to a public space, that is not what I expect, nor is such behaviour condoned by any legal authority.

What perhaps magnifies the absurdity of the behaviour of the women involved is their comments and reactions. At the end of the clip, all the laughing, high fives and self congratulation is disgusting! It appears as if they are on a human Safari, corralling all those that they can look down upon into the corner and shoving a camera in their face! As if passing judgement is not enough, the women indulge in a race to the bottom as each tries to out do the other, by offering further justification to explain why they are racing through a public space, harassing people!

While the hating aunties share there views on what a mangni constitutes, even offering some legal jargon to make themselves sound learned, and where you should and should not meet your f fiancĂ©e, the smugness and self righteousness increases more than proportionately as each minute passes.

Then comes the flip side of the argument. That a “free media” can do what it wants and any criticism of it is an attempt to curtail its freedom. No...the moment the supposed “free media” uses bystanders to push up their ratings, they are desperately calling for regulation to mediate their output. By infringing on the rights and privacy of others, the media, or any individual for that matter cannot claim freedom of expression as a right, as they trample those of others.

Given that the right to privacy is a basic human right and Pakistan is a signatory to the various conventions, the blatant, recorded illegality of the actions of SAMAA TV is just calling on someone to take action.

But this is perhaps the most frustrating and cynical part of this whole episode. Maya Khan and her crew pick on individuals who they know are vulnerable, who would not want the spotlight or a media trial. Maya Khan and SAMAA have no right to demand nikkahnama's from anyone and no one has to explain their relationship to them.

In writing this post, I am probably participating in the promotion of this video and the “efforts” of Maya Khan and her ragtag bunch. However, if nothing else, this episode is a clear example of how the race for ratings and fame has made our media personalities increasingly desperate.

We can boycott and refuse to partake, but sadly, there remains a large audience of people who will support such programming.

Write into SAMAA TV:

And lodge a complaint with PEMRA

The most effective way to lobby these channels on their programming, is to write to those companies that advertise and sponsor their shows.

Finally, some argue that what Maya Khan and her brigade were upto was a good thing. They were helping to get rid of immoral activity. If we accept that argument, then we would have to accept the arguments of the Lal Masjid Brigade who would have rounded up all the women running through the park, beat them with sticks and demanded that they confine themselves behind closed doors. I hate to say this, but in this case, perhaps in the greatest interest, that would not be such a bad thing.

Actually, that would be a bad thing. No individuals rights should be curtailed for the greater good. Hear that SAMAA TV and Maya Khan? Or do you prefer playing the bully that everyone hates in the park?

Now just to cool things down and bring a smile at the end of this post, have a look at the original Hating Aunties:

Sunday 15 January 2012

Oh Pakistan's saviours: Manage expectations, before the expectations manage you


We were so close!

The coup was just around the corner. The mathai shops had stocked up, this wretched, corrupt government was going to be booted out and Zardari would wipe that cheshire cat smile of his face.

Ex-military, ex-civil service pundits were on the ready.

TV hosts had their hair gelled.

Qadam barhao General Kayani, hum tumharai saath hain status's were being liked and RT'd.

Sadly, it wasnt to be...yet.

Eventually however:

Zardari and the PPP government will be gone.......rejoice!

Its easy to imagine the streets filled with jubilation, as opposition party's and their electoral machines go into overdrive. Eventually, whoever you consider your saviour will come to power (if you are lucky). And all will be well again! ........Not!

This is perhaps the kind of reaction we should look forward to, when overzealous Pakistani news reporters shove microphones into the faces of celebrating voters.

Yep! She thinks that Obama electoral win means that she can start binning her bills! No need to worry about the gas, electricity or mortgage.

Well, we now know how things turned out.

This is the flip side of political campaigns heavy on passion and emotion.

a) Politicians make grand promises and raise expectations

b) Their failure to manage expectations leads to impossible demands and expectations

c) Those demands are not met, in which case, we are back to point (a) for our next saviour to take charge from.

We have evolved into the next stage of political theatre. Leveraged by an easily excitable news media, social networks, the internet etc. So now the promises get even grander, the expectations rise even higher, and yet despite all the tall claims and blunt accusations, we still have no one that offers rational analysis, policy proscriptions or a healthy debate.


Anyone want to take bets on how quickly the post-Zardari regime's ratings fall through the floor?

Saturday 7 January 2012

To franchise or disenfranchise overseas Pakistani's?

Overseas Pakistanis have been coming under some stick recently. The Election Commissions recent decision that dual nationals will not be allowed to contest the upcoming elections has been challenged in the Supreme Court.

The current PPP government first suggested allowing overseas Pakistanis to caste votes a couple of years ago and a consultation process was initiated. Recently, the PTI moved a petition in the Supreme Court, calling on it to allow overseas Pakistanis to vote.

So on the one hand, votes count but standing in the same elections is to be allowed.

A question of patriotism

Living overseas is enough for ones patriotism to be questioned. Having a second nationality doesn’t help ones cause either. Some people say that,

if you want to join politics, and serve Pakistan then giving up a second passport is a small thing to ask”

Perhaps, but what happens if you stand in elections and don’t win? No one is going to compensate you if one fails. At the same time its also a small thing to ask for voters of a constituency not to vote for such an individual if they consider his or her second nationality unappealing. 

Fast track corruption

The second line of argument goes something like:

All these dual nationals can pack up and leave whenever they like. They line their pockets and leave”

Does that mean that people who have only Pakistani nationality are less corrupt? Or conversely, does this mean that overseas Pakistanis, because they presumably have the opportunity to dabble in corruption are necessarily corrupt? Essentially, they are being accused of being petty opportunists.

The second argument that they can pack up and leave is the one that I find most frustrating. Yes, I guess, people with second passports can leave when they like. But then again, politicians in Pakistan , given their social and economic status in the country are also quite mobile internationally. To think that the colour of their passport effects their mobility to the same degree as the average Pakistani is a gross exaggeration.

If people are behaving in a corrupt manner, they do so because they are confident that they can get away with it. They weigh the pros and cons and realise that the benefits of behaving in a corrupt manner is greater than the perceived risk or costs. The nationality of the individual is inconsequential to the extent that a foreign passport does not give an individual immunity when prosecuted for a crime. The fact that a Pakistani, overseas Pakistani or dual national knows that he or she can get away with a crime in the first place determines his or her ability to indulge in illegal activity. A second passport may be a convenience, however, its the system that is at fault, not the individual.

Men and women of a lesser God

Now when it comes to overseas Pakistanis, not all overseas Pakistanis are equal.

The vast majority constitute Pakistani labourers, who toil away in the Gulf, North Africa and to a lesser degree in places such as Malaysia. Now these workers, who primarily leave Pakistan in search of work, save a high propensity of their income. In doing so, they remit most of it. Thankfully, due to their efforts over the past few years, Pakistan has managed to contain its Current Account deficit given the massive inflows from such workers.

On the flip side, these overseas Pakistanis are the ones that are conveniently ignored. Before our grand Arab masters, the Pakistani state is unable or unwilling to voice any concern over the treatment that is meted out to them. For example, the seizing of labourers passports in the Gulf is a common practise which breaks the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The city state of Dubai, which effectively went bankrupt a year and a half ago, saw many managers and business owners leave the city in a rush. In doing so, they left without returning passports to labourers or clearing their wages. What did the government of Pakistan offer to such workers? Nothing. The BBC's Panorama looks at migrant workers in the UAE:

I dont even blame the government for such inaction. Dubai and the wider Gulf region has become a playground for the upper-middle and upper economic class of the country. The same people who buy second homes, work in managerial positions and enjoy vacations in these cities have no qualms about enjoying the fruits of the mass, systematic exploitation of their fellow countrymen in a foreign land, while complaining about corruption and injustice in Pakistan itself.

Return to Pakistan, and its these same labourers who are welcomed by rent seeking customs and immigration officials. When these same Pakistanis leave the country, they have to pay of immigration officials due to the “protector law”.

Most people think that all the people working in the Gulf are happy to do so, should consider that a few years ago the UAE government launched a scheme where they offered free tickets to workers who wanted to leave. The number of people who came forward was so large, that they had to eventually stop the entire project due to its cost and the poor press it received. If everything was so hunky dory the government of the UAE wouldn’t have paid the founder of Blackwater to hire and train mercenaries from Columbia, Angola, Namibia and South Africa as a rapid reaction force to put down any labour protests.

No, these overseas Pakistanis, have little hope of support from their host governments or their governments, but nevertheless the Pakistani state is grateful for their remittances. Effectively, the savings of poor labourers overseas, cross subsidises the tax dodging opulence of the Pakistani upper class, for without their remittances, the Pakistani economy would be in a much, much worse state at present.

Giving these Pakistanis the right to vote is little consolation given the injustice and exploitation they face. However, when we talk about overseas Pakistanis, we are not thinking about the poor labourers. Instead, we are looking at those living in the West. For they, supposedly have sold their souls to a foreign master. However, the Pakistani state selling Pakistanis into second class citizenship in the Arab world is well...just brotherly relations. 

The “Western” Pakistanis

No, the problems and the question of loyalty really comes up when we talk about Pakistanis who have dual nationality with Western countries. Pakistani-Brits, Pakistani-Americans etc. Another point that Pakistani commentator like to take up over and over again is to quote the American oath of allegiance. In all its glory:

I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.

People complain that how can someone who has taken this oath be patriotic towards or have Pakistan's best interest at heart? That is utter nonsense. We live in a globalised world where people move not because of changing nationalistic sentiments, but because of economic opportunity or familial pressure. If someone takes this oath that does not make them any more American or any less Pakistani. If you believe that this is infact the case, then you should also believe that when a girl marries a boy and moves to her boys household, her love for her parents and siblings is compromised. You then, should also believe that if a non-Muslim, in school in Pakistan, happens to sit through an Urdu class and comes across a chapter related to Islam and reads through it, he or she will become more Muslim and his or her faith in their religion is also compromised.

Why do British-Pakistanis support Pakistan in a England vs. Pakistan cricket match? I am sure they have sand God Save the Queen at some point in their life or attended a civics class in school?

I am not saying that overseas Pakistanis will always be patriotic towards Pakistan. I am sure they are now third or even fourth generation British or American Pakistanis, who probably have no link with Pakistan at all and no attachment. However, what I do disagree with are the nonsensical arguments that are made to disenfranchise overseas Pakistanis. 

Citizenship for another age

The primary function of oaths and citizenship was to make sure that they were always men that could be called upon to fight a war if need be. Through conscription, individuals could be drafted into military service. However, Pakistan doesn’t draft citizens into the military. And we are not fighting battles for local chieftains (or are we?).

The issue here isn't about the colour of ones passport.

To move beyond questioning ones patriotism, same sensible rules can be established for overseas Pakistanis who may want to participate in elections.

More important than citizenship is residency. For example, the UK along with many EU countries allow non-EU citizens to vote in local or city elections. An overseas Pakistani may be asked to reside in Pakistan for a qualifying period before being allowed to stand for office. He or she should make a declaration of income and assets, and if liable show a history of paying taxes in Pakistan.

The issue here is not about excluding individuals from running from office. The issue here is that constituents are being deprived of choice on the ballot. If the voters of X, Y or Z want to vote for an overseas Pakistani that’s their choice. What however, needs to be discouraged is for potential candidates not declaring dual citizenship, not because there is something wrong in having a second passport, but because that may raise questions on what else he or she is hiding.

In a future post I hope to talk about the economics of overseas Pakistanis and the role immigration plays in supporting our economy. However, in terms of politics, disenfranchising individuals should not be our goal, to serve some warped understanding of patriotism. On the one hand lobbying for overseas Pakistanis to vote, while denying them the right to stand in the same elections is setting dual standards and denies voters a full spectrum of choice.

Monday 2 January 2012

No civil military balance, without divesting military commercial interests

A poor attempt at a balancing act

Asma Jahangir has spoken on the issue of military-civil imbalance today. Quite rightly, any deference to the words of General Kayani and Pasha that compromises individual rights doesn't say much for either the supremacy of the law, or a “free judiciary”.

Back in May, right after the Abbottabad raid, a lot of people quite excitedly, heralded this as a unfortunate, but at the same time fortunate opportunity to put the military in its place. Get it back into the confines of its constitutional mandate. Then came the in camera briefing in the National Assembly, but after a few weeks it was obvious that the military was running the show.

The PPP government started off by emphasising its determination to guide Pakistan's security and foreign policy. Zardari spoke of a grand free trade area and our then foreign minister SMQ smiled sheepishly with Hillary Clinton as Kayani looked on from the margins. Alot of choreographing, but Zardari's ideas didn't come to much and SMQ is well, batting for the other team now. Even then, few believed that the Army had relinquished influence over foreign and security affairs. Effectively, it could exercise its veto over civilian decisions if and when it wanted.

In the recent past, one has to be quite naive to still believe that its Zardari who shapes Pakistan's foreign policy. Unlike most PTI supporters and reactionary critics, its not as if Zardari allowed drone strikes or handed over Pakistani airbases to US control. Neither was it Zardari who extra-judicially handed over foreign and Pakistani citizens to the US without due process who later ended up in Bagram, Guantanamo etc. And before I forget, the most hated of documents, the infamous NRO was facilitated and negotiated by our very own COAS General Kayani, however, being in khaki he's above criticism or responsibility.

That said, whenever the issue of civil-military relations come up and people talk about balancing it, a lot of emphasis is placed on politicians doing the “right” thing and exercising their mandate and forcing the military to relent before there constitutional superiority. That's why the mere mention of the possibility of the PM sacking Kayani and Pasha unleashed a storm. Mind you that storm was much louder in regards to a possible decision that a sitting PM might which is his prerogative and constitutional, while a coup, orchestrated by the military unleashes jubilation and a fiscal stimulus for mathai shops.

The biggest slice of the cake

I would argue that any balance between the civilian side and the military side of the state can only be achieved if the military economic influence is decreased. The military through its various arms has its fingers in every commercial pie. Resources are skewed favourably in the hands of those in khaki and their institutions; for the industrial, capitalist class knows who to deal with if they want to get things done.

Now the military property empire is a ubiquitous part of Pakistani urban life. The nexus between Bahria Town-HRL-DHA for a few is “national progress” but for those forcibly displaced, the state that misses out on tax revenues, the banks that are forced to offer concessional loans and later write them off, the abrogation of the constitution within these areas; the costs are massive and they keep on piling up. The following DAWN Reporter Episodes paint an ugly picture of the cartel that is now the military-commercial interest which is a law unto itself. (Thanks to @shahidsaaed)

You can tick through a list of industries in Pakistan, and one way or the other, either through outright ownership or in partnership the military is a major stakeholder. Nothing comes of cases of corruptions against generals, so there is no surprise that ex-military types pack commercial organisations. Capitalists vote with their feet, and it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that they vote for the team with the bigger stick.

Incentives in action

Now politicians are a fragmented and competitive group. Sure, they make poor decisions and may be corrupt, however, they act in their self interest, where ever that might take them. Given the might of the military, its monopoly over the use of force, coupled with its huge economic clout, a fragmented group of politicians have no chance to exercise their will over the military. Instead, they are co-opted by the military to do their bidding, and why wouldn't they? 

Now the next obvious question is: Do we want these incompetent civilians dictating policy to the military?

The answer to that is yes. The simple reason is this: Given Zardari's 11% approval rating, the dismal approval rating of the PPP, and overall image of politicians as incompetent, we can be assured that every decision they take is the talk of the evening news cycle. Columns are written, opinions are formed, news is shared and retweeted.

However, decisions taken by the military fall under two categories. Either the military makes a decision, and then civilians are made to face the negative fall out of it. Or the military makes decisions and no one is the wiser. When questioned, you are not offered a policy outline. Instead you get a long emotive speech about sacrifices and bravery which somehow qualifies someone to make decisions on a nations foreign policy or other associated matter that is not even that persons job.

Do as the Chinese do

In China the Divestiture Act of 1998 banned all the commercial activities of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Like their Pakistani counterparts, the PLA had invested itself in banks, hotels, factories, property developments, retailing etc. During the Tienanmen uprising in 1989, China came dangerously close to a military coup. As the vanguard of the revolution the PLA, was a central part of the Communist Party and the Party heavily invested in the PLA. The PLA eventually sided with the pulitburo and the Tienanmen protesters, and protesters across the country were crushed. These events helped accelerate the PLA's independence from CCP control and widen its economic activities. By the mid-1990s as China bombed, so did the PLA's financial interests. In an effort to encourage professionalism in the PLA and in a display of its authority, the CPC promulgated the Divestiture Act of 1998 banning its commercial activities. Without it, the PLA would have gained undue influence, both by wielding weapons and cheque books.... Sound familiar?

Without reducing the military's economic dominance and access to resources the dream of civil authority over the military will not come to pass. This is not a matter of budgetary allocations. Its about a parallel economy that sucks away resources without any accountability. It rewards itself for taking the risks, but given that its “too big to fail”, the costs are passed on to the losers. The military and those associated with it, sail through bureaucratic red tape, judicial and legislative oversight, and political interference.

This is also why, I don’t agree with suggestions that the only way to save the Railways or PIA is to privatise it. Pakistan has toothless regulators that are easily co-opted. Recently, a newspaper report claimed that the National Logistics Cell, which has single handedly destroyed the Railways freight transport market is going to take over parts of the organisation to run as a “private” initiative. Then again, NLC, with its association with the military is above any critique. Until the state has a capacity to regulate privatised industries, there is no point in transferring a public monopoly to a private one. Tax payers keeping a state organisation afloat for better or worse is one thing, however, tax payers of inflationary borrowing doing the same to prop up a privatised industry to line the pockets of shareholders is criminal.

If I may digress for a paragraph, this is also another reason why I dont buy Imran Khan's and PTI's rhetoric on jusitice and ending corruption. How can they talk about justice and reducing corruption when they remain silent on the military and its role in the economy? Why the silence? PTI supporters like to talk about Turkey's example and the Erdogen model of gradual civilian dominance, but Erdogen as an activist and campaigner would not shy away from putting the Turkish military in its place.

Given that the military is the “winning horse” in the race to the bottom, its not surprising that those seeking an economic advantage find one way or another to cling to it. Some argue, that this proves that the military is a disciplined institution and people trust it with its money. However, the flip side is that no competitor is allowed a fair chance to compete with the military's might. And those individuals and organisations who are lucky enough to tag along under the khaki umbrella...well not only are they minting money, but they are also called national heroes. And when there great money making enterprises go belly up, it will be the patriotic duty off every Pakistani to bail them out.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Taxing problems: few winners, many losers

Since the early 1990s, inequality has intensified in Pakistan. The consumer boom under the Musharaf regime, coupled with high inflation since 2007 has widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

While the rhetoric in the media is largely made up about issues of access to resources and state services, the wider implications for ignoring inequality are ignored.

Some quick thoughts on this.

1) Given the minuscule number of tax payers in the country, the idea of having a progressive taxation system that redistributes wealth from the rich to the poor is non-existent. We still live in a system where individuals, even those who can well afford it, expect the state to provide them services for free.

2) The states inability to raise enough taxes forces it to borrow money from the State Bank, commercial bank or foreign sources. In all of these cases the increase in inflation and the burden of repaying the debt is borne primarily by those who the state should be protecting. The "haves" however are net beneficiaries through low or non existent tax obligations.

3) Links between politicians, civil servants, the military, industrialists and feudal networks insures that resources are allocated in a manner that serves their own interests. Laws, systems and methods that would help to reduce inequality either by redistributing wealth from the rich to the poor, or by improving the state of the poor are non-existent or co-opted to suit the interests of a small segment of society.

This list could go on for several more points, but I think you get the picture. As we rally against price hikes, increase in the cost of gas, oil and electricity, corruption and mismanagement, we should stop to remember that even in the worst of times, they are winners and losers. The winners continue to win big, while the losers lose more badly. The long term costs of increased inequality are mostly ignored.

The following talk best summarises alot of the points I would agree with.