
Saturday 28 January 2012

Disciplined innovators: Will make JF-17s and sell Tablets too!

First off, thanks to @AliZeeshanIjaz for sharing the following picture with me.

Now I am not sure what to make of this. We are all well aware of the Pakistan Armed Forces and its commercial interests. I guess, getting into the business of knock off tablets, netbooks and ebook readers is just part of the evolutionary process.

However, there seems something very wrong with how a prominent state organization, in a period of resource paucity, has decided on its own to run a parallel commercial arm.

For one, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra, is a state funded organization which on its own accord has now decided to use its resources, in its own words, to “StrengthenNational Economy Through Commercialization”. Really? Since when is a nations economy strengthened through commercialization? Whose coffers will be "strengthened" from this venture? 

There also seems to be something very wrong, on how on the one hand our security analysts, op-ed writers and other retired officers bombard us day after day, on how our military is under resourced, and how we, as a grateful nation, should provide what ever budgetary allocations they demand. They further argue how NATO's presence in Afghanistan and India's shopping spree on military hardware is harming Pakistan's ability to keep up, technologically speaking, with other actors in the neighbourhood.

So, in short, we are low on cash, and falling behind technologically! So why exactly are state resources being utilized to develop consumer products?
A press release states:

Chairman PAC Air Marshal Farhat Hussain Khan therefore decided to optimally utilize the facilities and resources of PAC to contribute in strengthening the national economy through commercialization.

So he can decide to use state resources for commercial purposes as he sees fit? 

Do our best minds, employed at PAC Kamra have nothing else to do? Are we flush with surplus resources to dable in side projects? Apparently, the radar system along the Western border isnt working, they can start by fixing that to begin with! 

Granted, these products appear to be a result of a partnership between PAC Kamra and INNAVTEK China. Even so, why are state resources being utilised for such activities? Where will the revenue generated from the sale of these products go? Who financed the start up of this project? Are these products unique and patented, or are they cheap knockoffs of patented hardware which may potentially open up PAC Kamra to claims of copyright infringement? Are serving PAF officers involved in developing these products? 

Further, the use of PAF fighters as a marketing tool cheapens the achievements of the PAF, and personally, I find it exploitative and cynical that those entrusted to defend us, use martial imagery as a marketing tool.   

Now, there is no denying, a long history of military technology and expertise crossing over, and helping develop commercial products. However, given the state of the Pakistani economy, the current threats we face and the scarcity of resources; the fact that the PAF has decided that it has the time, resources and manpower to run a money making side project on the side as well, suggests to me, that the next time the military demands for increased budgetary allocations, we should ask them to flog more tablets and netbooks. 

Endnote: Please consider signing the following petition, against the increased hate filled rhetoric against the Ahmadiyya Community in Rawalpindi:

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