
Wednesday 29 February 2012

Getting excited about tomorrow

Perhaps some of you had a chance to watch Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson on the Daily Show a couple of days ago.

The reason I am posting the video below is to share his enthusiasm and his, what I feel are completely valid arguments regarding the era of space exploration in the 1960s where the US was spurred on by scientific achievement. A nation or indeed the world needs to inspire the young to aim beyond the present.

The past decade has however reduce inspiration to mere survival in Pakistan. Children don't aspire to do greats things as they are not exposed to anything beyond surviving the next crisis, or whatever issue the television demands they divert their attention towards.

On the other end of the spectrum, millions upon millions of children, who have never seen the inside of a school, and have grown up too fast, are preoccupied with surviving as they help support their families. For them, inspiration is too distant, yet that should not absolve us, as a society from encouraging your people for having dreams and at least have a fair shot at achieving them.

Whilst we talk about curriculum changes and getting children in a school, I strongly believe that it is very important to get them excited about opportunities, their talents, creativity and most importantly the future. May it be in science, the arts or social sciences is irrelevant, what we require is a national attitude that encourages everyone to be what they may be at their best and nothing else.

All these notions of discipline, order, straight lines, crisp uniforms and the lack of aspiration are hangovers from the colonial world which administered education as a system of control. We perpetuate that today.

We must get people, who are excited and passionate about what they do and get them face to face with never know how many writers, scientists, poets or artists never get to express their passion amongst the millions who are all together ignored by the state, society and their communities.

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