
Monday 23 March 2015

Thoughts on the return of the 23rd March parade (Rant)

Pakistan day? The date synonymous with the Pakistan resolution, later the republic day and then thanks to a dictator changed to Pakistan day (true??) is nothing more than a public holiday where jingoism and militarism is front and centre.
Rs 635 million spent on a parade that requires two cities to be shut down so that the military and political elite can "keep up with Jones's", i.e. India; even though the Chinese President did not turn up in the end. What a party pooper! The day that is meant to signify the creation of the Pakistani republic and end of colonialism has now become a day where an unelected power hungry organ of the state demands respect and admiration. It is hard to get excited over a parade given how weak the state appears just organizing the event inconveniencing so many people. Why? So that generals can wear their day formals?
Why does the military have a monopoly over celebrating Pakistan day? Is the republic created solely so that the generals can sabre rattle and put their toys on display?
This money could have been better spent on IDPs, PTSD support for terror victims, schools in the memory of children killed in terrorist attacks, or a number of other things.
After 6 decades of existence is the military all we have to highlight? Now for most the answer is yes and I am told that we should be proud of this, but appreciating sacrifices of jawans and officers should require more than parades and shutdowns. It should require us to ask whether their families receive appropriate support, pensions and those maimed and injured support for dealing with PTSD and disability. The same generals that harp about liberals not appreciating sacrifices of jawans have no problems seeing retired jawans working as guards or continuing to serve officers post retirements.
Surely 23rd March has to mean more than displaying weapons and expecting blind obedience to ISPR statements and PTV commentary that "nation celebrated 23rd March with patriotic fervour"?

1 comment:

  1. please push your liberal mindset directly into the trash...
